My Projects

Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock

The Big Band Theory's "rock paper scissors lizard spock" game built using ReactJS, Redux and Material UI.

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REST Countries API

A web application that shows different countries of the world and their details with a colour theme switcher. Built using ReactJS.

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E-commerce Product Page

The product page for a sneakers product with cart functionality and lightbox view.

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Room Homepage

The landing page for a furniture brand with a slideshow to display its features. This was built using HTML, CSS and Vanilla JS.

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Bookmark Landing Page

The landing page for a simple bookmark manager. The features and different versions of the product are listed there. This was built using HTML, CSS and Vanilla JS.

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Launch Countdown Timer

A page showing the countdown timer for an event. This was built using Vanilla JS and CSS Animations.

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Chat App CSS Illustration

A landing page showing the screen of a chat app and a small description. The mobile screen was completely designed with CSS only.

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Shortly URL Shortening API

An application that shortens complete URLs. It was built using the shrtcode API and Vanilla JavaScript.

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IP Address Tracker

An application that tracks the physical address from an IP Address. It was built using the IP Geolocation API by IPify and LeafletJS - A JavaScript library for interactive maps.

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Fylo Data Storage Component

This is a page showing a user's data storage. It was built using Semantic HTML5 markup, CSS custom properties and CSS Flexbox.

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Interactive Pricing Component

This is a pricing component that shows the prices corresponding to different amounts of pageviews. A toggle between monthly and yearly (with discounted rates) plans is also provided.

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Testimonials Grid Section

This is a page showing a company's testimonials in a grid fashion. It was built using Semantic HTML5 markup, CSS custom properties, CSS Grid and CSS Flexbox.

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Pricing Component with Toggle Master

This is a component showing a product's pricing plans. The user can toggle between Annual and Monthly plans. It was built using Semantic HTML5 markup, CSS custom properties and CSS Flexbox.

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Sunnyside Agency Landing Page

This is a single page layout of an agency's website built using Semantic HTML5 markup, CSS custom properties and CSS Flexbox.

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FAQ Accordion Card

This is an accordion card displaying FAQs for a platform. It was built using Bootstrap Framework along with Semantic HTML5 markup, CSS custom properties and CSS Flexbox.

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Order Summary Component

This is component showing the user's order summary. It was built using Semantic HTML5 markup, CSS custom properties and CSS Flexbox.

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